Right about there in my thinking, I took a break from cleaning the bathroom and checked my emails. And I found an unexpected blessing - an email to tell me I was one of the winners of a free copy of a new book I've been wanting for months: "Embrace Your Space" by Janet Luke - a NZ writer and permaculture gal who writes about self-sufficiency in your back yard. I've been putting off getting it because it costs $45. I'd completely forgotten filling in the online entry form a month or two ago with a magazine I enjoy - after all, I never win such things....
It felt like such a blessing, and also a little bit extra confirmation that I'm heading in the right direction. Meeting our needs, and even desires, is not all about us - not all down to us. There is Someone who watches over me, who knows my needs and even the desires of my heart. When I open my hands and share the things we've been blessed with, He is still MORE than able to provide all that is needed. And sometimes, even what is merely desired.
I've half-filled another box with recycling, and added more things to the trash bag.
Also removed from my house on Tuesday - 34 books returned to the library, and two items returned to a friend.
Things are starting to look less cluttered already!
So far, due to the first real rain we've had in 3 months, I haven't been able to put boxes out by the road, but if it clears up this morning, I will do so. I wonder how long it will take for things to go?